GopherCon 2023

GopherCon 2023
GopherCon was back in San Diego this year! As such, I was able to attend yet again. The conference was well worth attending and I had a great time. There were some great talks, a rather unusual workshop, and even some interesting sponsors/exhibitors. Here are some of my highlights! Workshop: Intro to Rust # Why go to a Rust workshop at a Go programming conference? Good question. I believe it is valuable to explore other programming languages to gain experience with different approaches to software development.
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GopherCon 2019

GopherCon 2019
Another year and another GopherCon, this time in sunny San Diego! As usual, there were a lot of high quality talks across a breadth of subjects. I highly recommend browsing through the GopherCon videos on YouTube, but I’ll highlight what I thought were the interesting bits below. The last year or so has seen a LOT of discussion around dependency management for Go, particularly around dep and Go Modules (formerly vgo).
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GopherCon 2018

GopherCon 2018
I had the privilege again this year to fly out to Denver and attend GopherCon, the premier gathering of “gophers” (people who program in Go). It’s a lot of fun and I learn something every time. After spending the weekend hanging out around town with my wife, enjoying Hammond’s candy and exploring the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, I started the conference with a machine learning workshop. It turned out to not be quite what I expected.
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